Adult Ministries

There are many opportunities for adults to gather in fellowship and volunteer to help St. John grow and thrive. We have groups for men, for women, and for all. Feel free to call the office during office hours for more information or contacts for any of the groups. 

Adult sunday Morning Bible Study  

9:15 am in the Adult Sunday School Room

bible & brew

This Men's group meets on the first Tuesday of

every month from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Huff Pub

on the square

Bellville, TX 77418

Master Builders Bible Study

The mission of our group is to promote fellowship through Bible study and discussion. We usually pitch in for pizza and enjoy a beer or two brewed on site at our local Huff brewery. Contact Tony Stewart at 979-877-8028 for more info and directions.  

men in mission

The St. John Men in Mission meet the third Monday of the month from September through May at the Retreat Center.

The meetings begin with a social from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm. 

The meal is at 6:30 pm followed by a devotion, program and business meeting. 

The meetings are usually concluded by 8:00 pm. 

The cost of the meal is $7.00/person and those planning to attend are asked to call the church office by Thursday before the

meeting so the proper amount of food can be ordered.

A family night is held in October when spouses and widows of deceased members are  invited. 

The major activity of the St. John Men in Mission is preparing food for the Church Picnic and the Oktoberfest. The proceeds from these meals are used for their annual MIM scholarships for St. John youth.

women of the elca

The Women of the ELCA is an organization of all the women

of the church. 

The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m.

in the Fellowship Hall

We have several opportunities to serve and come together in fellowship which includes Quilting and putting together kits for Lutheran World Relief, Thankoffering weekend, Scholarship Bake Sale, Games Days and meals throughout the year.