Want to lend a hand during service? 

Volunteer as a woship assistant

-In order to better accommodate everyone’s schedule, we're using SignUp.com to organize our schedules. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:


1)  Click on the link button below or type https://signup.com/go/CDPLSms into your web browser address bar. 

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) and dates you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.




Worship Assistant Opportunities


The acolytes serve during the Sunday 8 am and 10:30 services by carrying the candlelighter to light the altar candles, hand offering to Pastor, and extinguish the altar candles at the end of service.

After taking First Communion, our Grade 3 – 6 youngsters are eligible to serve as acolytes.

8 AM Service Only:  You will need to dress in the white robe and rope belt for this service. The white robe with a hood is hanging in the sacristy to wear over clothes during service.

 Altar Guild

Altar Guild  sets up the communion table for service. The altar is prepared according to the church year calendar; communion is set up by service. This group also sets out the special items (water, baptismal cloth, candle, and oil) for any baptisms at their service time. Instructions and training are provided. 

Assisting Minister

(Worship Assistant)- 8 AM ONLY

The Assisting Minister helps lead the service alongside the Pastor.

The assisting minister will assist the Pastor in distributing communion and reads aloud the Prayers of Intercession before the altar. This position is requested to wear the white robes without the hood, located in the sacristy and the gold belt. You may be seated in the additional chair located behind the Pastor’s chair. 

Communion Assistants

Communion Assistants assist the Pastor during Distribution of the Holy Communion by offering the wine for communicants.

Camera Tech

Camera Techs use the ATEM Mini and camera to record or stream worship services. No experience required, this setup is very user friendly. 

Computer Screen Tech

Computer Screen Techs run the worship visuals for the sanctuary monitors. The slides are run through a Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow and flow with the schedule of the service.  



Greeters stand by the lobby and front doors and greet people entering the building. It is a great introduction to worship volunteering and allows you get to know your congregation.

Lay Readers

The Lay Reader reads the lessons (scripture) for the service. You will receive the lay reading by email the week before service to review.



Ushers make sure the church doors are unlocked and lights are on for service, count and record, pass the offering plate, ring the church bell, and direct the congregation to the altar for communion. Ushers are divided into teams that alternate services throughout the year.

There is also an usher team that is on call for funeral services at the church. If you would like to serve with this team as well, please call the office at 979-865-2081.